Central Asia Fashion industry-specific business conference is an integral part of the business program of the exhibition. Every season it is visited by possessors and owners of fashion stores, buyers, fashion manufacturers, designers, commercial directors, representatives of the mall, sales department specialists, fashion experts, journalists, bloggers. Entry to the CAF business conference for industry professionals is free.

The CAF business conference, a specialized business event in the field of fashion retail, has no analogues in Central Asia. Its visitors are given the opportunity to be among the first to learn the results of current marketing research, to witness the discussion of sensible topics and directly put questions to the leaders of the fashion business and government.

Speakers of the CAF business conference are retail experts, business analysts, representatives of analytical companies and trend bureaus, large consulting agencies and leading retail companies, top developers and shopping center managers, designers and stylists, authoritative bloggers and public persons.

Advantages of the CAF business conference

  • During all three days of the exhibition only specialized information from authoritative experts is presented at the conference
  • Regular market analysis and data collection for retail analytics conducted on an exclusive basis by CAF order
  • Undeniable quality of business contacts and professional networking
  • Kazakh and foreign experts among the speakers of the business conference
  • Top persons of leading companies share experience, analyze budgets and disclose the details of successful strategies
  • Expert practitioners present adapted, real business cases and analyze current issues
  • Diverse forms of organization using modern conference technologies
  • Opportunity to improve professional level and get a fashion education
  • Top experts, public persons, bloggers, celebrities, psychologists are involved in the dialogue
  • Opportunity to take an express course of the mini MBI program at the “Buyer School” and the “Seller School”

Figures and facts about business conference for 10 years


400 speeches of reputable speakers


125 seminars and panel discussions


20 analytical sessions and market research in Asia


1500 visitors-listeners every season

Two parallel business conference locations

public talk

  • Analytical research
  • Panel Discussions
  • Thematic seminars
  • Business cases
  • Market trend reviews
  • Expertise of industry associations
  • Debate of opinions

Business halls

  • Trainings / master classes
  • Training seminars
  • Brand presentations
  • Business meetings, workshops
  • Mini MBA program
  • «Seller School»
  • «Buyer School»

CAF Spring 2023 Business Program

Results of CAF Spring-2024 Business Conference

Business program СAF Spring -2022