Business Conference Programme
International Fashion Exhibition Sentral Asia Fashion Autumn - 2024
Footwear, Fur, Leather and Accessories Exhibition Elite Line 2024
18-20 August 2024
Almaty, Atakent IEC, Pavilion 10-11
18 August, Sunday, 2024
18 August / Sunday / 13.00 – 13.50 / Business hall
Trend Forecast
Topic: Must have. Retail trends in the fashion category
- The modern shopper: who they are and how they are influencing the future of offline retail
- Omnishopping: the store will never be the same again
- Local equals loyalty. Why doesn't the global approach work anymore?
- Community building as a business development tool
- Service first. Customisation and personalisation
- The WOW effect, how to keep a store fresh
- Stylistic trends and images that will be relevant to retail design

Speaker: Katya Kolotilova
Creative director for retail design at LINII branding agency
(Moscow, Russia)

Speaker: Dmitry Burenko
Sociologist, PhD in psychology, director of development and strategy at the LINII branding agency
(Niederands, Arnhem)
18 August / Sunday / 14.00 – 14.50 / Business hall
Topic: The Land of Rising Business. What entrepreneurs need to know about doing business in Uzbekistan
- Before and now: Why international investors choose Uzbekistan to enter the Asian market
- Myths and reality about doing business in Uzbekistan: where are investors wrong and where is the truth?
- How does the demographic boom affect the happiness and confidence index?
- Fast growing and promising points of business development
- Other people's truth about bureaucracy, corruption, fakes, replicas and taxes
- How to come out of the shadows to do business in Uzbekistan?
- How to scale up and find your niche in a growing market?

Speaker: Maria Malinovskaya
Director general of Al Mar consulting research company
(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)

Moderator: Milena Yershova
Fashion retail expert, business consultant, author, general producer of Central Asia Fashion @milenayershova
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
18 August / Sunday / 15.00 – 15.50 / Business hall
Topic: How do Kazakhstanis choose and buy clothes, shoes and accessories?
- Analysis of the preferences of Kazakhstani consumers in the field of fashion: what they are looking for, which brands they choose, how they make purchasing decisions
- Trends in online shopping behaviour
- What do Kazakhstanis’ searches tell us? Brands or products, what do they search for most?
- Fashion category sales growth leaders
- Rebirth of resale. What do Kazakhstanis buy most often?
- Honest assessment of the most important factors when choosing clothes, shoes and accessories

Speaker: Madina Seisengaliyeva
Director of the advertising business Yandex Qazaqstan @madina.seisengaliyeva
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Speaker: Olga Kurdanova
Director of Marketing Department, Yandex Qazaqstan
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Speaker: Milena Yershova
Fashion retail expert, business consultant, author of articles, general producer of Central Asia Fashion @milenayershova
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
18 August / Sunday / 16.00 – 17.10 / Show Area
Panel discussion
Topic: Expert analysis of the world's hottest business trends
- Top economic trends in the world and Central Asia
- Impression economy as the main consumption model
- Creative economy as the main model of value creation
- Platform economy as the main model of customer-supplier relationships
- Green economy and conscious fashion consumption: reincarnation of things, fashion for hire, transparency and awareness
- Why is it important for the fashion business to adapt to trends?

Speaker: Yevgeniy Danchev
Business consultant, expert in increasing sales in the fashion market, author of books, creator of an online school for fashion market managers
(Russia, Moscow)

Speaker: Maria Malinovskaya
General Director of the research company Al Mar Consulting
(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)

Speaker: Madina Seisengaliyeva
Director of the advertising business Yandex Qazaqstan @madina.seisengaliyeva
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Speaker: Natalia Mironova
Head of the loyalty program of the Russian association of fashion industry participants RAFI
(Russia, Moscow)

Speaker: Dmitry Burenko
Sociologist, Doctor of Psychology, Director of Development and Strategy at LINII Branding Agency
(Netherlands, Arnhem)

Speaker: Katya Kolotilova
Creative Director of Retail Design at LINII Branding Agency
(Moscow, Russia)

Speaker: Milena Yershova
Fashion retail expert, business consultant, author of articles, general producer of Central Asia Fashion @milenayershova
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
18 August / Sunday / 16.00 - 16.3016.30 - 17.00 / Business hall
«Internet marketing school» Group master classes
Free social media tools
Tactics and practices of non-targeted clients

Speaker: MAYgul Burgebayeva
founder of MSB / School of Practical Internet Marketing. Course author, expert on systemic business promotion in social networks @smmschool.msb
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
18 August / Sunday / 17.10 – 17.40 / Show Area
Autograph session / Q&A
Autograph session and interview with Yevgeniy Danchev (Russia, Moscow), author of the books "Psychology of Sales in a Clothing and Footwear Store" and "Practical Guide to Increasing Sales of Footwear and Accessories"

Speaker: Yevgeniy Danchev
Yevgeniy Danchev is an expert in increasing sales in the fashion market. Business trainer, coach, organisational consultant, creator of an online school for fashion market managers. Practical experience in sales and marketing management for over 19 years. Worked his way up from sales manager to commercial director. More than 4,000 hours of consulting projects in seven CIS and Eastern European countries.
The interview is conducted by Milena Yershova - journalist, author, media manager
19 August, Monday, 2024
19 August / Monday / 10.30 – 11.10 / Show Area
Topic: Digital and e-commerce innovation at the service of the retailer
- Kazakhstan's digital transformation: practical benefits and rationality
- Global victories at the service of entrepreneurs
- Risks, security and digital hygiene of business. Kazakhstan entrepreneur's check-list
- What government initiatives will stimulate global digitalisation of retail?
- How is e-commerce developing in Kazakhstan? Should we wait for mass introduction of e-com innovations in retail?
- What prevents entrepreneurs from implementing new technologies?
- The future of e-commerce. How can businesses make friendship between strategy and practice?

Speaker: Svetlana Chernenko
Head of iKS-Consulting Representative Office in Kazakhsta
(Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Moderator: Milena Yershova
fashion retail expert, business consultant, author of articles, general producer of Central Asia Fashion @milenayershova
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
19 августа / понедельник / 11.00 - 11.3011.30 - 12.00 / Бизнес-зал
«Internet marketing school» Group master classes
Reels / how to get millions of views
How to fix targeting errors? Introducing targeting for customer requirements

Speaker: MAYgul Burgebayeva
founder of MSB / School of Practical Internet Marketing. Course author, expert on systemic business promotion in social networks @smmschool.msb
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
19 August / Monday / 11.20 – 12.30 / Show Area
Panel discussion
Topic: Reputation and key benchmarks in Central Asia
- How is Kazakhstan perceived by consumers in neighbouring countries?
- What are the product associations among shoppers of different generations in neighbouring countries?
- Level of trust in goods and products made in Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan
- Which products and technologies from Central Asia are welcomed and expected abroad?
- How do local brands influence the reputation of the country?
- How can interest in Central Asian brands be increased?

Speaker: Natalya Ospanova
Director of Alvin Market Group of Research Companies and ICT Marketing, President of KAPIOR Association
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Speaker: Maria Malinovskaya
Director General of Al Mar Consulting Research Company
(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)

Speaker: Svetlana Chernenko
Head of the iKS-Consulting Representative Office in Kazakhstan
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Speaker: Dmitry Burenko
Sociologist, Doctor of Psychology, Director of Development and Strategy at LINII Branding Agency
(Netherlands, Arnhem)

Speaker: Indira Adil
Co-founder of the Kazakh brand ADILI, member of the Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Speaker: Milena Yershova
Fashion retail expert, business consultant, author of articles, general producer of Central Asia Fashion @milenayershova
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
19 August / Monday / 13.00 – 14.00 / Business hall
Industry research
Topic: Peculiarities of national service and feedback of New Kazakhstan
- How and against what criteria do Kazakhstanis rate the level of service in their country?
- Where is the best and worst customer service in Kazakhstan?
- Kazakhstani service from a tourist's point of view and an honest assessment of the main "pains" of service in the country
- Top 5 effective channels of communication with the seller to solve problems related to the purchase
- Characteristics of national FEEDback: how to analyse customer reviews correctly?
- Where do customers look for reviews, which ones do they trust and which review format most influences their purchase?
- What motivates a customer to leave a review? Why don't customers leave reviews?
- Evaluation of independent platforms for customer reviews
- Top 10 popular trends of Zhana Kazakhstan for service improvement

Speaker: Natalya Ospanova
Director of Alvin Market Group of Research Companies and ICT Marketing, President of KAPIOR Association
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Moderator: Milena Yershova
Fashion retail expert, business consultant, author of articles, general producer of Central Asia Fashion @milenayershova
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
19 August / Monday / 14.10 – 15.10 / Business hall
Topic: The hero, the seeker, the jester. How do archetypes help to create a strong fashion brand?
- The theory of archetypes in branding. How do you know which archetype fits your brand?
- Fashion business in a new way. Attract your own, say goodbye to strangers?
- Archetypes adapted to mentality - what to consider when working in local markets
- What archetypes look and sound like. Case studies from the fashion industry
- From words to action - how to implement an archetype in your business and track progress

Speaker: Dmitry Burenko
Sociologist, PhD in Psychology, Director of Development and Strategy at LINII branding agency
(Niederands, Arnhem)
19 August / Monday / 15.30 – 16.20 / Business hall
Roast of the business
Topic: How to get the most out of salespeople and increase the average cheque
- Secrets of non-material motivation for clothing and footwear salespeople
- How motivation "from" and motivation "to" work
- Employee engagement matrix
- How to implement KPIs perfectly in a retail store
- How to sell three products in one cheque and what do I need?

Speaker: Yevgeniy Danchev
Business consultant, expert in increasing sales in the fashion market, author of books, creator of an online school for fashion market managers
(Russia, Moscow)

Moderator: Milena Yershova
fashion retail expert, business consultant, author of articles, general producer of Central Asia Fashion @milenayershova
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
19 August / Monday / 16.30 – 17.30 / Business hall
Topic: 10 fashion brand promotion mistakes on social networks
- Target audience as the foundation of an effective strategy
- How to create content that works "automatically" without wasting time?
- Targeting and applications every hour. What do you need to make sure your ads are driving sales, not cheap offers?
- Social sales without a budget: myths and reality
- Proven neural networks and saving time, money and effort

Speaker: MAIgul Burgebayeva
Founder of "MSB/Practical Internet Marketing School", course author, expert on systemic business promotion in social networks @smmschool.msb
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
20 August, Tuesday, 2024
20 August / Tuesday / 10.30 – 12.30 / Business hall
“Buyer & Salesman School” (by pre-registration)
Registration for seminarsRe-launching the fashion retail sales team. Management secrets and sales techniques
Training №1
Topic: How to sell clothes and shoes at higher prices than the competition?
Part 1: How the objection handling model works
- reframing model and its application to price objection handling
- objection handling examples
- Video Clips
Part 2: Top 5 ways to handle the "It's expensive" objection
- How to use context reframing
- Finding positive intent
- objection handling scripts by Evgeny Danchev
Part 3: Practice
- Exercises to embed objection handling techniques
- feedback from the trainer on the results of the exercise
Part 4: Stages of implementing the technique in business
- How to implement the objection handling technique in a shop
- How to test salespeople for new skills
- Sales Technique Monitoring System

Speaker: Yevgeniy Danchev
Business consultant, expert in increasing sales in the fashion market, author of books, creator of an online school for fashion market managers
(Russia, Moscow)
20 August / Tuesday / 11.00 – 12.10 / Show Area
Panel discussion
Topic: How will the global "forecast 2050" affect businesses and customers?
- Global ageing: by 2050 there will be 4 million people on earth over 100 years old
- Hyper-urbanisation: 80 per cent of the world's population will live in large cities Hyper-urbanisation: 80 per cent of the world's population will live in large cities
- Before you know it, fast is slow
- Diversity at top speed: local brands, street art, innovation
- Digital acceleration How has artificial intelligence changed retail forever?
- What trends are already influencing society and business?

Speaker: Maria Malinovskaya
General Director of the research company Al Mar Consulting
(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)

Speaker: Dmitry Burenko
Sociologist, PhD in Psychology, Business Partner, Director of Development and Strategy at LINII branding agency
(Netherlands, Arnhem)

Speaker: MAYgul Burgebayeva
Founder of "MSB / School of Practical Internet Marketing", author of courses, expert on systemic promotion of business in social networks @smmschool.msb
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Moderator: Milena Yershova
fashion retail expert, business consultant, author of articles, general producer of Central Asia Fashion @milenayershova
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
20 August / Tuesday / 13.00 – 13.50 / Business hall
Topic: Rebranding in retail. Change before it's too late!
- How long does a modern concept last and how do you know when it's time to "re-shoe"?
- Top 5 indicators of change. A checklist for when you need to rebrand
- When rebranding isn't really necessary
- The new retail formula: from personal benefit to community value
- Designing the customer experience and changing experience design
- How much does rebranding cost? Can it be done in-house?
- How to choose the right rebranding agency and get the project right?

Speaker: Dmitry Burenko
Sociologist, PhD in Psychology, Business Partner, Director of Development and Strategy at LINII Group branding agency
(Netherlands, Arnhem)
20 August / Tuesday / 14.00 - 14.3014.30 - 15.00 / Бизнес-зал
«Internet marketing school» Group master classes
Stories / Customer requests every day
Topic: How to work with autoresponders on Instagram 5 reasons to promote on Facebook

Speaker: MAIgul Burgebayeva
Founder of "MSB/Practical Internet Marketing School", course author, expert on systemic business promotion in social networks @smmschool.msb
(Kazakhstan, Almaty)
20 August / Tuesday / 15.00 - 15.20 / Business hall
Drawing of gifts from CAF business programme partners
- "MSB/Internet Marketing School"
- Online school "W consulting"
- International branding agency LINII
20 August / Tuesday / 15.30 - 17.30 / Business hall
“Buyer & Salesman School” (by pre-registration)
Registration for seminarsRe-launching the fashion retail sales team. Management secrets and sales techniques
Training #2
Topic: How to execute a 100% sales plan in the fashion business?
Part 1: How to uncover the hidden resources of an organisation
- examples of sales growth in fashion business case studies
- What influences sales plan fulfilment and how to take control of the process
- How a manager can influence the psychology of a salesperson to achieve the sales plan
Part 2: A "coaching style" sales management model
- How to set tasks for salespeople by breaking down the sales plan for the day
- Key roles of a manager, a test to understand your role in managing people
- Questions to analyse sales and sales management
Part 3: The two key skills of a manager
- coaching formula to motivate employees
- The skills a manager should have to achieve 100% of the sales plan
Part 4: The secrets of neuromarketing in sales
- How to sell more products to a customer
- How to offer "expensive" models without discounts
- How the principle of contrast works in sales psychology and how to use it

Speaker: Yevgeniy Danchev
Business consultant, expert in increasing sales in the fashion market, author of books, creator of an online school for fashion market managers
(Russia, Moscow)
21 August, Wednesday, 2024
21 August / Wednesday / 10.00 - 13.0014.00 - 17.00
Venue: Atakent, Best Western Plus Hotel, Ulytau Hall
Mini MBA Training (by pre-registration)
Topic: How to reboot the fashion business and make a hypercash in one season?
Module 1: How to increase sales through internal business optimisation
Part 1: Components and drivers of sales
Registration for seminars- key formula for increasing sales
- how to use viral marketing to drive traffic
- business case studies
Part 2: The Marketing Funnel
- low budget ways to attract customers
- how to link marketing budgets to sales plans
- business case studies
Part 3: How to create an ambitious sales plan
- Example of a plan with a KPI link
- Business case studies
Part 4: Business people and growth points
- Sales management scorecard (working with a sales analysis template)
- How to calculate the optimal number of salespeople
Module 2. Retail store 2025. How to reformat a store in the era of the digital economy
Part 5: Generation NEXT - Threats and opportunities for the market
Registration for seminars- how to sell more with the new sales model of the store of the future
- New sales channels and how to work with them
- how to build a chain of touches with customers
Part 6: How to differentiate on price
- three value-added sales lifehacks
- how to compete with marketplaces on price
- three levels of customer loyalty for customer retention
Part 7: Sales merchandising secrets
- how to create a hyper checkout with a locomotive product
- how to increase average check and UPT in a retail store
Part 8: How to increase sales by implementing scripts
- how to respond to the words "I saw a similar product cheaper"
- How to reduce customer defection to marketplaces
- How to sell more even when demand for clothes and shoes is down

Speaker: Yevgeniy Danchev
All Mini MBA trainings are conducted by Yevgeniy Danchev, Business consultant, expert in increasing sales in the fashion market, author of books, creator of the online school for fashion market managers
(Russia, Moscow)
The organisers reserve the right to make changes and clarifications to the programme
The analytical sessions, seminars, business cases and panel discussions at the CAF Business Conference are free of charge. To attend, register and receive an electronic ticket. The Seller & Buyer School and Mini MBA trainings are available upon pre-registration. Register on the website or in the Business hall
Who attends the business conference?
Owners and proprietors of fashion stores, CEOs of leading fashion companies, managers and leading specialists in the fashion industry, fashion manufacturers, fashion designers, commercial and financial directors, top management of shopping centres, purchasing department specialists in a fashion store, sales department specialists in the fashion industry, online retailers, fashion experts, journalists, bloggers