Up to 200 fashion brands from around the world take part in the Central Asia Fashion exhibition every season. Participants represent up to 40 different groups of fashion products. The price range of the brands shown is from the mass market to premium.
During all days of the event, collections are actively pre-ordered and purchased at the stands of the participants, the search for regional representatives, distributors and sales agents is carried out, and new business contacts are established. Buyer and designer shows are held on the podium. The business program involves a specialized business conference, a special networking service for B2B meetings, educational projects, a consultancy center and a job fair.
Participants profile
- Manufacturers of clothing and shoes
- Manufacturers of hat wear / lingerie
- Distributors and brand representatives
- Fashion houses / designers / stylists
- Leather and fur factories and manufactories
- Manufacturers of bags and fashion accessories
- Small - circulation production factories
- Knitwear manufacturing enterprises
- Logistics companies
- Fashion retail consulting companies
National participation

- Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporter Associations - IHKIB

- Ente Moda Italia - EMI Fashion Association
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pistoia
- Center GROSS

- UBI France Agency
- Fedération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode - FHCM
- French Federation Pret A Porter

- IGEDO Company
- Association of the exhibition industry of Germany AUMA
- Confederation of the German textile and fashion
- German Fashion Industry Association
- Messe Duseldorf company
- Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy

- Fur Association of Spain
- Aragon Textile Association FITCA

- Ukraine Collective Expo

- Association of Light Industry Entrepreneurs APIUS

- Pal Cluster of Palestine

- Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken”

- CCCFNA China Chamber
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of China

- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India
- Clothing Manufacturers Association LUDHIANA
- Leather Export Consulate

- Clothing and Wearing Apparel Association

- Hat Wear Manufacturers Association
- Venture fund of the Tver region
- ANO “St. Petersburg Export Support Center”
- ANO “Export Support Center of the Kirov Region”
- ANO “Regional Support Center for Manufacturers of the Volgograd Region"
- Omsk Regional SME Support Fund
- Russian Association of Fashion Industry Participants RAFI
- Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Penza Region
- Export Support Center of the Moscow Region
- Oryol Regional Export Support Center
- Ryazan Export Support Center
- Cluster Development Center of the Penza Region
- Cluster Development Center of the Stavropol Territory
- Fashion House of Karachaev-Cherkess Republic
- Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan
- Export Support Center of the Tambov Region
Отзывы участников CAF Autumn-2024
Отзыв участника CAF Spring-2024
Отзывы участников CAF Autumn-2023